About Us

About Us

NASSAR ENGINEERING – ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS – (NEAP) – was established as an Engineering Office in Cairo–Egypt at the beginning of the year 2004 to provide its Consultancy Services for the different and multi-purpose buildings in the Arab Gulf Region.
From the start, and with the presence of its distinguished Mega-Projects and its Engineering Creativity, NASSAR ENGINEERING was able to transform from an Engineering Office into a Multi-Disciplinary 
Engineering Company.
During this period-almost 20 years – the company achieved an incomparable record in the field of Engineering Consultancy and is still committed to providing these services with the same quality and to highly valuing the Engineering work in the surrounding environment.
From the early beginning, After the transformation to a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Company, It focused its strategy on expanding in the field of Engineering and on the diversity of the projects on both the national and international level.
In spite of the great success, we are ambitious to perform more Achievements in the near and distant future.
For this purpose, the company is now working on a remarkable transformation aiming first to raising the value of our Engineering services, thus becoming one of the pioneers in our field.
Our work varies between {Architectural/ Urban Design – Supervision-  Projects Management – Value 
Engineering} using all available technology updates to have an integrated product from concept stage to full implementation.
By the year 2025 ( with Allah’s will ), {NEAP} will become an international and integrated  Engineering company in the field of engineering consultancies as it will focus on increasing its business through the opportunities of the Urban Development in our Arab Region.
Fulfilling this vision requires commitment, determination and focus on achievement, through the following goals:  
- Diversity of projects types and site locations.
- Improving working procedures. 
-  Enlarging our human resources (building up our abilities).